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Informal Student Recitals

Recital Coordinator: Grace Yu  

This year we will have three Informal Recitals.

Informal Recitals offer students the opportunity to play pieces in any style, with or without scores, for

teachers and fellow students only. Student Informal Recitals start at 4:00 p.m., and end by around 5:00 p.m.

Parents should drop their students at the Host Teacher’s studio at least 15 minutes before Recital time, each

with refreshments to share at the end of the performance. Teachers of performing students are required to

attend. The atmosphere is relaxed, friendly and casual. Parents should pick up their students by 5:30 p.m.


Requirements for Informal Recitals

1. Teachers of Informal Recital participants must be Active, Cal-Plan, Contributory or Provisional members of MTAC

Alameda County Branch in good standing. All Teachers who submit student(s) to perform in an Informal Recital are

required to host at least one Formal or Informal Recital within two (2) years. If after agreeing to host, the Host finds

her/himself unable to host due to unforeseen circumstances, the Host must inform the Chair as soon as possible, so

that alternate arrangements can be made.

2. Teachers must inform their students what is expected of an Informal Recital audience: to stay quietly in one’s place

during a performance, no moving about or using devices that make noise; to be an attentive, respectful audience with

enthusiastic applause for fellow performers.

3. Students must have studied with their current Teacher for at last 6 months prior to the date of the Recital.

4. Each Teacher’s studio may submit up to 4 entries. All performers may use music; however, the Informal Recital

could be an opportunity to practice playing from memory. Each entry can be a solo or ensemble, as long as the total

performance time does not exceed twelve (12) minutes. Whether solo or ensemble, each entry may play multiple

movements or pieces, as long as the total time of all entries does not exceed the studio limit of 12 minutes.

5. When Teachers submit their recital information to the Host, it should include the names and ages of students;

names of pieces, including key, opus or other identifying numbers; composers; length of each piece; and the total

playing time of his/her studio, not to exceed 12 minutes. Teachers may not request the Host to hold performing slot

without the above performing information.

6. Teachers are responsible for the accuracy of the information about their performance pieces. Incomplete entries will

not be accepted for the Recital. For example, there are many “Minuet in G”, sometimes by the same composer; please

be sure to supply all the necessary information to correctly identify the piece being performed, i.e., correct movement

with correct tempo marking, suite, or dance, and composition numbers of BWV, Opus, Hoboken, KV, etc. Some pieces

selected from certain collections or albums may not include this pertinent information. The Teacher will need to

research for these details before submitting to the Host. Though the Host of an Informal Recital is not required to print

a Program, it is a worthwhile exercise to know these details.

7. Absolutely no repertoire will be allowed involving prepared piano or any manual use of the interior of the piano.

8. The Host will compile the program from the performing information in the order received.

9. Teachers should expect to hear back from the Host within 48 hours; if they do not, they should verify the email

address and/or call the Host directly and leave a voicemail message.

10. Informal Recitals are open to the Teachers and their students only.

The Adult Informal Recital is available to adult students only, who may not yet feel ready for The Adult Performance Program. Requirements stated above apply.

Please click here for more information and the entry form.



This year’s Informal Recitals are as follows:












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