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Formal Student Recitals

Recital Coordinator: Yvonne Donnelley

This year we will have six Formal Recitals. The Formal Student Recitals are a showcase for the very best

achievements of our students. They provide an opportunity for serious students to share their musical

accomplishments with an appreciative, supportive, and respectful audience. Only students very well prepared

for a high level public performance, with confidently memorized music, should be entered. We hope to

provide a standard of musicianship high enough to inspire all who attend, audience and fellow performers





Requirements for Formal Recitals

1. Solo repertoire must be confidently memorized; ensembles may use music. Students are required to dress

formally for their performance, in concert attire, with no casual clothing (jeans or t-shirts), sport shoes, or


2. Students must have studied with their current teacher for at least six months prior to Recital date.

3. Teachers of Recital participants must be Active, Cal-Plan, Contributory, or Provisional members of MTAC

Alameda County Branch in good standing.

4. All teachers who submit student(s) to perform in a Formal Recital are required to host at least one Formal

Recital or Informal Recital within two (2) years.

5. Teachers must inform students and families what is expected of a Formal Recital audience: to stay quietly

in one’s place during performances, no moving about or using devices that make noise or are distracting for

others, to be an attentive respectful audience with enthusiastic applause for all performers. Parents wishing to

make recordings of their respective student(s) must set up prior to all performances, in the back of the room,

so as not to obstruct anyone’s view and appreciation of performers.

6. Each studio is allowed a maximum playing time of twelve (12) minutes, with a maximum of four (4) entries

per Recital. Each entry can be a solo or ensemble.

7. Whether solo or ensemble, each entry may play multiple movements or pieces, as long as the total time of

all entries does not exceed the studio limit of 12 minutes.

8. Teachers are responsible for the accuracy of the information of their Recital pieces.

9. Incomplete entries will not be accepted for the Recital. For example, there are many “Minuet in G,”

sometimes by the same composer; please be sure to supply all the necessary information to correctly identify

the piece being performed, i.e., correct movement with tempo marking, suite or dance, and composition

numbers of BWV, Hoboken, L., S., or KV, etc.

10. Teachers should submit their written requests to the Host 10 days in advance. It should include all the

information on the Student Recital Entrance Form.

11. The Host will confirm receipt of the request within 48 hours. If Teachers do not hear back from the Host,

they should check the email address and resubmit, or contact the Host directly and leave a voicemail.



Recital Coordinator: Yvonne Donnelley Guideslines for Formal Recitals

After the program is compiled from the MTAC Branch Recital Program template, the Host will send the draft program to the participating teachers and the Recital Chair, to check for any spelling errors and proofreading.

After the participating teachers confirm to the Host with any needed corrections within 48 hours, the Host will print @ 40 black/white copies of the program. Save the receipt, and mail/email it to the Branch Treasurer for reimbursement.

The Host will then inform the teachers to tell their students:

• to arrive at least 30 minutes before the Formal Recital starts, wearing masks,

if the Host thinks it necessary;

• to dress and behave appropriately for a formal concert, be aware and practiced in bowing protocols, concert demeanor, being an attentive quiet audience, with generous applause, etc.;

• to inform the Parents of appropriate, quiet concert etiquette, moving about only during applause, and include how to respectfully take photos without flash, shutter or beeping noise;

• In addition, any camcorder/tripod/recording equipment should only be placed behind the last row of chairs.


Ask the Performers to bring a healthy snack, fruits, finger food or juice/water with cups for the reception after the program, including napkins,

toothpicks, etc.; (with the exception of when the Recital is held at

the Steinway Piano Gallery in Walnut Creek. There will be no refreshments

at this facility.)

Some of the venues for Branch Formal Recitals require set-up for moving

the grand piano into position, moving chairs for the audience and the

reception table before the Recital. On the day of the Recital, the Host

should arrive at the venue one hour before the Recital. The Recital should

last about an hour. If there is a reception afterward, the Host should expect

to spend an additional 30 minutes (except for the Steinway Piano Gallery where there is no reception permitted).

The Host will block enough front rows for students to sit in their performing order, and direct each of them to wash/sanitize hands before going to the piano to warm up, and again before performing, if needed.

The Host will start promptly on time, and give a short welcome speech, including:

• A Welcome greeting, and thanks for coming;

• Give directions to the restrooms, and

• Remind all to turn off cell phones and any shutter noise or beeping devices.

• Ask audience members to use no flash photography, and not to move about

the room during performances, so as not to distract the performers and other audience members. If the host would like, s/he can set up a chair in the aisle at the front for the use of a family member to record their student performer.


• All camcorders/tripods should only be placed behind the last row of the chairs, prior to the start of the program, so it doesn’t block the audience’s line of view.

• Request the audience to respect the performers by encouraging everyone to stay and enjoy the entire recital. Mention that at the end, a commemorative photograph of performers and their teachers will be taken, (refreshments will be enjoyed), and there will be an opportunity to mingle and chat with the other students and their parents.

• Remind everyone that when it is necessary to leave or re-enter the room, to please do so only during the applause between the performances.

The Host will ask someone to stand at the back door to help latecomers enter the room unobtrusively during applause.

The Host will sit in the front, and announce each student or group's name and the name of the piece.

At the conclusion, the Host will give a closing speech, including:

Praise to the performers for a great performance.

Ask them all to stand up to receive another round of applause.

Ask the teachers to stand up and acknowledge their dedication.

Thank the parents for their ongoing support of their children's music education. Finally, request all performers and teachers to come up front to pose for a group photo, to be

emailed the photo to the Mailing Secretary for the next newsletter, along with a copy of the program.

The Host will clean up the reception table, and take the trash bag to the dumpster in the side yard. Ask people to take their leftovers home, and accept grateful thanks from the Branch for their efforts!


Click here to download Student Recital Entrance Form.


This year’s Formal Recitals are at

3:00 pm at Berkeley Piano Club (BPC), or at

6:00 pm at Kassman Piano Company (KPC) and Steinway Piano Gallery (SPG):


This year’s Formal Recitals are at 3 pm at the Berkeley Piano Club and 6 pm at Kassman and Steinway Piano Gallery. Maps and directions may be found on Branch Events page. 



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