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Certificate of Merit®

Goals of Certificate of Merit®

  • To provide a systematic and comprehensive plan to develop performance, technique, ear training and sight reading skills and understanding of music theory.

  • To provide practical goals to help students maintain a steady and focused appreciation of their musical studies.

  • To encourage students to strive for musical excellence.

  • To create opportunities in which students may share their music.

Branch Contacts:

Branch Honors Recital Chair:

Katharine Austin

Alameda Branch CM Guidelines, CM E-mail List and Updates:

Certificate of Merit 2023-2024:

Alameda Branch CM Guidelines, CM E-mail List and Updates:

At the MTAC Annual Convention in July 2022, delegates overwhelmingly voted for a return

to a hybrid format of both in-person and online testing options. Though this change was

to be effective this coming year, as of this printing we have not received any information

from the State Office as to how Certificate of Merit will be handled. Therefore, please watch

for email communications from the MTAC State Office and check your Teacher Portal

at Our Branch will also contact members via email when we have further


MTAC/Certificate of Merit®   Website

For general information about the CM program: 


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